What’s happening?

On Windows machines, there are a few points that need special attention, if you’ve experienced graphic display ”zoom” issues.

In fact, due to some graphic bugs between Windows OS and Adobe Photoshop, CEP Panels can show up as cropped.

Besides our recommendation of setting your monitor to a minimum resolution of 1080 pixels height, here are the areas that you need to access in order to make sure that your monitor is properly setup.

Note: Mac OS users shouldn’t be concerned at all.

❌  CLiR Panel in Photoshop, showing display issues: part of the panel are cropped, text is too big…

✅  CLiR Panel in Photoshop, properly displayed

Let’s see what solutions we have to bring things back to normal

We basically need to access Windows Settings and look out for 4 parameters:

in System Display in Ease of Access

Scale and Layout

Make text bigger

Display Resolution

Make Everything bigger


Important: before anything else, please quit Photoshop if it’s running❗️

Now let’s go through Windows settings and start adjusting.

To avoid any menu confusion in Windows OS, we will just start from the Desktop

In in the bottom left search bar, type display

Then click on “Change the resolution of the display“…

Important: Scale and Layout

✅  Scale and Layout > “Change the size of text app. and other items” : set this to 100%

✅  Display Resolution : set to a minimum of 1080

❌ Scale and Layout : set to 125%

✅ Scale and Layout : set to 100%

TIPS: you can reduce height of the CLiR panel and scroll through with your mouse

Looks good 👍

When the CLiR panel has been resized, use the mouse wheel and scroll to show the rest of the panel:


If your screen resolution allows you: 
set the screen resolution to a minimum height of 1080 pixels. 

I just can’t see the entire footprint of the CLiR panel… What shall i do ?

  • Go back to Windows Display Settings panel.
  • Click on “Advanced scaling settings“…
  • Look for “Custom scaling”
  • “Enter a custom scaling size betweeen 100% – 500%” : leave this field empty…
  • Click the back arrow.

  Scroll down…

Click “Advanced display settings”


Make sure the resolution is set to minimum height of 1080 pixels.

Click back arrow.

Cool ! So far, we’ve checked:

in System Display

✅  Scale and Layout

✅  Display Resolution


Now let’s check:

in Ease of Access

Make text bigger

Make Everything bigger


  • Go to Windows Display Settings panel…
  • Click “Home”
  • Click “Ease of Access
  • Make text bigger” : set to smallest value possible
  • Make everything bigger” : set to 100%

❌ This is what happens with wrong windows settings


Now this looks good 👍

That should be it. What we’ve checked :

in System Display in Ease of Access

✅ Scale and Layout

✅ Make text bigger

✅ Display Resolution ✅ Make Everything bigger


Now you can relaunch Photoshop and enjot the CLiR panel.


Wait ! None of the above is working… What shall I do ?

Beforehand, quit Photoshop if it’s running. Then follow these steps:

Navigate to: Program Files > Adobe > Adobe Photoshop 2021

Right-click on the Photoshop 2021 executable file

Click “Properties

 Click Compatibility tab

Click “Change settings for all users”

 Click “Change high DPI settings”

Check the box
“Override high DPI scaling behaviour. Scaling performed by:”

Select option “System (Enhanced)”

Click OK, accept and apply the changes

Open up Photoshop. CLiR Panel shoud display properly.